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What's Life Coaching all about anyway?

Why Life Coaching?

Life coaching is about understanding where you are now versus where you want to be and the beliefs, habits and mindset that are keeping you stuck.  By creating new thoughts, new beliefs and new habits you can move the needle to living the full-blown life you dream of. Life Coaching is for when you know you want to do more in your life and change how you think, act and feel but you need guidance, advice and accountability to help you achieve and sustain it.

Maybe you hold yourself back with self doubt.  Maybe you're not living the life you want, the relationships, the career, the health, the happiness.  But I know that you can change your life and live a life that you love - a life in which you are thriving not barely surviving.

Everything you need to live your best, most fulfilled life is already inside of you.  As your coach I will shine a light and direct your attention to the elements of your life that you can take action to re-imagine. 

Life coaching isn't therapy - we aren't going to talk about your issues with your parents or past trauma experiences.  If you do have past unresolved issues, I strongly recommend working with a trained professional (psychologist, counsellor, etc) in addition to Life Coaching.  They deal with the past - I deal with your future.

My approach to Coaching

I know you're busy - quite probably you're working long hours, raising a family, kids activities, being a partner/spouse, taking care of your parents, finding time for friendships.  But still you want to prioritise yourself so you can get out of the overwhelm and stress and start living a life you love.

My approach to coaching is that is it should be simple and effective with tools and techniques that you can do in 5-15 minutes a day.   You can change your life while you are busy living it.

Depending on each clients needs, we may take a highly structured, programmatic approach to coaching through one of my set pathways, or take an organic client-directed approach and go where your energy and life needs take us.  But there are some fundamental principles that all clients cover up front:

  • Mindset - what is it, how it impacts and where is yours now

  • Habits - understanding the habits that will support your success, how to create new ones and shed old ones

  • Mindfulness - becoming present in today is essential, learn mindfulness through meditation, journalling and other mindfulness practices that you can incorporate into your busy life

What's included in Coaching with Infinite Mind:

  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions (90 minute sessions), online sessions are recorded and available to download or watch on demand

  • Downloadable worksheets, meditations, journal prompts and other resources

  • 1:1 Support between sessions via Messenger, What's App, SMS, etc and for up to 90 days post coaching

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