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Reset Your Mindset.
How am I getting in my own way of living a life that I love? How are my thoughts and beliefs my own biggest obstacles?

Reset your Mindset is a game changer. When we see and understand the self-limiting beliefs that we have and how they show up in our lives, work and personal, and hold us back from living up to our full potential, then we move the needle on life.


What are the things that you say to yourself when things don't go your way?

What beliefs do you hold about money and wealth?  About love and relationships?  About life in general?

What does success and failure look like to you?

What participants will learn:



  • Mindset 1.0 - what is mindset, and how the mind keeps us stuck

  • Neuroplasticity - how to rewire your brain to help change mindset and life

  • Identify your current mindset - where do your thoughts and beliefs come from and how are they helping or hindering you

  • Understand how to stretch your Comfort Zone and move smoothly in Growth and Learning Zones without fear

  • Create your own Mindset Flips - develop awareness of the participants mindset to identify the negative things they aren't even aware that they say and offers alternative phrases and responses instead

  • The habits that are keeping you trapped, how to release them and create new habits

Who this course is for:

  • Your self talk is negative and critical and holding you back

  • Your beliefs and thoughts about things such as money, love, success and life are from your parents and not your own

  • You want to empower yourself with positive thoughts and beliefs but don't believe in affirmations

  • You have great ideas and ambitions but talk yourself out of them before you even get started, maybe even hold yourself back from career progression

  • You're tired of feeling disappointed in yourself and feeling like a failure because you have tried and failed before

  • You're afraid of what people will think if you try something new or it doesn't work out

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